Ami Burnham CPM, RN, IBCLC

Lactation Consultation and Parenting Education


"So many women try to breastfeed and fail. They fail despite trying so hard and seeking multiple sources of advice from well meaning people. Ami was critical to my being able to get through 5-weeks of pain and discomfort with breastfeeding my first child, and breastfeed two more. I could not have done it without Ami's support." 

Rebecca D


"You were so instrumental in me being able to breast feed. I called you from the hospital asking you to come in, as my first experience with breast feeding with my day old daughter left me with nipples that had been chewed raw.  You were so gracious and kind. You explained to me how to latch, and how when a baby feeds it is like a gourmet meal at Gary Denko's. You gave me the ability to bf for 7.5 months. I had so much milk and our daughter thrived. I am immensely grateful to your kind heart and gift of explaining something so well that I remember it to this day, and smile at the memory."  

Manon B


"Ami was terrifically helpful in the early days of new motherhood. When breastfeeding seemed impossibly hard, as it did at first, she was compassionate, knowledgeable, and kind. Despite early difficulties, with Ami's guidance and encouragement, my daughter and I learned together to be very good breast feeders, and kept it up for almost three years! Overall, what makes Ami such a terrific resource is not just her training and deep knowledge, it is also her general kindness, good humor and her calm, easy going personality. She is a joy to work with, and when I remember being a new mother, I will always remember her help with great fondness and gratitude." 

Maya VP